Title:  Assistant Manager, Process Engineering



To spearhead projects and drive operation and system improvements and to formulate, gather and analyze both Strategic Options and Key Performance Indicators and recommend the best feasible option to yield operational and financial improvements for all Zenith commissaries.

To assist Management in decision-making problems – whether strategic, tactical, or operational – using Industrial Engineering tools and techniques. 



(action- reason-result/s formula)


Key Result Area 1: Manufacturing Work Standards and Targets Setting

  1. Performs, reviews and analyze results of Time and Motion Study.
  2. Computes and reviews performance targets, reviews documented process and standards, leads discussion with MFG for targets setting and approval.
  3. Identifies and reviews recommendations to improve standards and present to MFG stakeholders.
  4. Plans for resources required to complete annual TMS updates. Defines OJT/Partner 3P activities and SLA.

Accuracy of Data

Key Result Area 2: Establish Work Standards and Performance Metrics.

  1. Reviews accuracy and completeness of CSC metrics. Monitors dashboard regularly to ensure timely update for DDS and Weekly/Monthly Operations/Mancom Review.
  2. Reviews initiatives identified to improve performance and achieve targets. Consolidates and presents to MFG Leadership Team. Monitors action plans.
  3. Builds and reviews digital dashboards. Develops new metrics as needed by the organization, integrating benchmarked information on industry standards.
  4. Documents and reviews Metrics/Dashboard guidelines.

Accuracy of standards

Key Result Area 3: Analyzes operational data (eg. OEE, DTs, Quality Results, Equipment & Process Data) to identify improvement opportunities.

  1. Reviews and analyzes data on capacity. Coordinates with other MFG departments and SBUs to secure needed data to compute for capacity utilization and determine capacity requirement of MFG site/s.
  2. Reviews recommendations to increase capacity and close gaps against RCCP targets/requirement. Consolidates and presents recommendations to MFG Site Head and Leadership Team.
  3. Presents Monthly Capacity Utilization to MFG LT.
  4. Sets guidelines and standards for Capacity Analysis. Documents process/guidelines.
  5. Analyzes physical and chemical analysis data via Statistical Process Control to determine trends, correlates to output measures and call out possible issues/improvement opportunities.

Timely, Accurate, Relevant Data

Key Result Area 4:  Manpower and Workload Analysis for Manufacturing and Support Groups

  1. Consolidates, reviews and analyzes manpower and workload studies and recommendations for each MFG site. Secures concurrence from process owners.
  2. Oversees/Presents results of study and recommendations to MFG LT. Monitors completion of action plans.


Timely, Accurate, Relevant Data

Key Result Area 5: Loss Analysis

  1. Can lead a Loss Analysis program execution for a small team.
  2. Leads team in utilizing LEAN tools in eliminating/reducing losses.
  3. Consolidates and tracks initiatives from different departments as a result of the loss analysis program. 

Timely, Accurate, Relevant Data

Key Result Area 6: Lean Manufacturing

  1. Oversees and leads CI/process improvement projects of multiple production lines.
  2. Knows supply chain systems and uses generated reports for analysis and management.
  3. Recommends and implements solutions and changes to supply chain processes and systems; analyzes potential problems and implements preventive measures into the design, resulting to higher level of efficiency 

% Improvement/ % Savings or Quality/ Benefits

Key Result Area 7:  Compliance


Abides Company Policies, Rules and Regulations on Discipline, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Food Safety, Quality Schemes, Safety and other related Company Policies being implemented.



Perform other job or expertise related assignments in order to develop one’s self and/or share one’s expertise resulting to support for operational efficiency

Quality and timeliness of delivery